Fr John Valadez

Raising the Mind, Warming the Heart

By Blessed Seraphim Rose of Platina Raising the Mind, Warming the Heart 1. Faith and Reason The writings of the Russian philosopher Ivan Kireyevsky contain[…]

Submit Your Photos!

We are posting pictures that have been submitted to us by various pilgrims about different monasteries, churches, and Orthodox life in other countries. If you[…]

Holy Romania: A Pilgrim’s View

Pictures of monasteries, churches, and Orthodox life through the eyes of Romanian pilgrims. If you have your pictures of your own pilgrimage that you would[…]

Issue 25, On the Horizon!!

Readers and Subscribers, After a long wait, Issue 25 is scheduled to be printed in the month of February. The ‘zine will take on a[…]

Spruce Island: New Valaam

We were pilgrims of the northern wilds in order to visit the land of Saint Herman–Spruce Island, Alaska. We were picked up by the monks[…]

Blessed Hieromonk Seraphim Rose

These are photos of Fr. Seraphim that were shown to the pilgrims that came to the 25th anniversary of his repose in 2007. [nggallery id=1]

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