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In Step With Saints Patrick and Gregory of Tours

A homily given by Fr Seraphim Rose on St Patrick’s feast day in 1977. Fr Seraphim, being an avid venerator of the Western Saints pre-schism,[…]

Each One Of Us Is Potentially a Judas

Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, there came unto Him a woman having an alabaster box of very[…]

Spiritual Eyes: The Reality of the Unseen

[red_title title=”I SEE YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL” subtitle=”A shocking encounter with Elder Iakavos of Evia” style=”red-title-centered” ][/red_title] The following is a dialogue between Klitos Ioannidis and[…]

Apathy Epidemic

“Rouse thyself, thou who sleepest, and rise from the dead, and the Christ shall shine on thee.” +St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians (5:14) Too[…]

Love Moves: The Life of St. John the Wonderworker

Take a listen to an excellent podcast on The Arena by guest speaker Fr. Irenei Steenburg about Saint John of San Francisco! “Loving God Without[…]


“The entire devil is found here: in the desire to exclude God, in the desire to always be by himself, to always belong only to[…]

A Letter to Thomas Merton

By Fr. Seraphim Rose I am a young American convert to Russian Orthodoxy—not the vague “liberal” spirituality of too many modern Russian “religious thinkers,” but[…]

Letter From Exile

by Saint Theodore of Studios This article was posted because we have learned that the ancient Monastery of Studios (which this great Saint was the[…]

Raising the Mind, Warming the Heart

By Blessed Seraphim Rose of Platina Raising the Mind, Warming the Heart 1. Faith and Reason The writings of the Russian philosopher Ivan Kireyevsky contain[…]

The Sacrament (Mystery) of Christian Baptism

by St Cyprian of Carthage. From a Letter written to a new convert, 246 A.D.  I promise to share with you the grace God in[…]

On Forming the Soul

By Blessed Fr. Seraphim of Platina The soul that comes to Orthodoxy today often finds itself in a disadvantaged or even crippled state. Often one[…]