• Articles,  Other Articles

    Apathy Epidemic

    “Rouse thyself, thou who sleepest, and rise from the dead, and the Christ shall shine on thee.” +St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians (5:14) Too often do we become diverted in the cares of mass and social media, teleporting through computer mainframes and cellular devises to a land sadistically bent on self-worship. It seems these days that at birth we are plugged into a computer grid of ever-distracting chaos, gazing on a vacant throne only occupied by phantoms of our own fantasies. This is something that has been talked about over the last few decades throughout academia and scattered across millions of blogs. We are loosing ourselves in distraction, letting…

  • Articles,  Other Articles


    “The entire devil is found here: in the desire to exclude God, in the desire to always be by himself, to always belong only to himself, to be entirely within himself and always for himself, to be forever hermetically sealed in opposition to God and everything that belongs to God.” + St. Justin Popovich I was never an atheist. I could not, no matter how hard I tried, disbelieve in God. I have always believed, to the point where God’s existence seemed to me to be simple fact (this often contributed to my complete confusion regarding how one could be an atheist at all). This kind of faith can be…

  • Articles,  Issues 1-12,  Zine Articles

    The Opening of the Senses

    By Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov Printed in Issue 6* PEOPLE become capable of seeing spirits by a certain alteration of the senses, which is accomplished in a way that is unnoticeable and inexplicable to a person. He only notes in himself that he has suddenly begun to see what before this he had not seen and what others do not see, and to hear what before this he had not heard. For those who experience in themselves such and alteration of the senses, it is very simple and natural, even though not explainable to oneself and to others; to those who have not experienced it, it is strange and not understandable….…

  • Articles,  Issues 13-24,  Zine Articles

    What Saint John Taught Me…

    By an Orthodox Subdeacon From Issue 16 This article was written by a subdeacon who had the blessing of serving with Saint John as a child as well as having the Saint as a family friend and mentor. These are his reflections, looking back at the greatest things Saint John revealed to him about the spiritual life. I look down from my perch in the choir loft, the cathedral is spread before me like a map. From the chandeliers above to the lit candles, everything is a sea of light. People still returning from the Cross Procession, candles in hand, only add to the radiance. With the start of the Orthros Service,…

  • Articles,  New Issues,  Uncategorized,  Zine Articles


    Introduction article to Issue 25 Jesus Christ. Swine. Madness. We have flipped entirely upside down. The world’s progression has become an absolute digression and its evolution a complete reduction. The philosophies it continues to build itself upon are ideas of madmen and have been stacked like a house of cards. The world chooses to live in madness, in the filth of its own possession, rather than to be disturbed by anything contrary to its insanity. We fall prey to this machine of insanity, running the race for ourselves—and only ourselves. Love has been distorted into a self-centered motive, respect has been reduced to tolerance of opinion, and self-sacrifice is almost…

  • Articles,  Issues 13-24,  Zine Articles

    The Impossibility of Aloneness: When Christ Found Me in the Himalayas

    By Subdeacon Joseph Magnus Frangipani Printed in Issue 24 I’m an Orthodox Christian living in Homer, Alaska and experienced Jesus Christ in the Himalayas, in India. I listen to the heartbeat of rain outside… Cold, Alaskan fog blowing in off the bay, emerald hills now that autumn is here and summer chased away into the mountains. But a milky white fog spreads over the bay like a silken ghost. I used to visit Trappist monasteries, back when I was Catholic, at the beginning of high school, and searching for a relationship of love. I read plenty of philosophy then to know that knowing isn’t enough, that having a realization in…