Fr John Valadez

A Paradoxical Wonder: The Double One

…A double man, made from two natures In an inexpressible wonder… O paradoxical wonder [You are] among… the creatures, Both immaterial and material: The material[…]

Apathy Epidemic

“Rouse thyself, thou who sleepest, and rise from the dead, and the Christ shall shine on thee.” +St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians (5:14) Too[…]

Love Moves: The Life of St. John the Wonderworker

Take a listen to an excellent podcast on The Arena by guest speaker Fr. Irenei Steenburg about Saint John of San Francisco! “Loving God Without[…]

Arriving at the Last True Rebellion

 “…Escape from brainwashed minds and pollution. Leave the earth to all its sin and hate, find another world where freedom waits…” -Black Sabbath, Into the[…]

Saint Febronia: Beauty Bathed in Blood

The following is a true account of a woman who gave her life for the sake of truth and for God. On the 25th of[…]

IOCC Responds as Serbia and Bosnia Brace for More Flooding

Baltimore, MD (IOCC) — On the heels of epic floods that left at least 37 dead and thousands homeless in Serbia and Bosnia, a second surge[…]

Through Closed Doors

From Issue 8   In may of 1980, the singer /poet Ian Curtis of Joy Division hung himself in his Manchester, England home the day[…]

Holy New Martyrs of Optina

From Issue 19 In 1917, the Russian Revolution and the rise of communism resulted in the deaths of millions of believers and destroyed countless churches[…]

Istochnik: Photographs of a Procession

Istochnik. A procession in Russia through the eyes of a pilgrim. [nggallery id=4]


Introduction article to Issue 25 Jesus Christ. Swine. Madness. We have flipped entirely upside down. The world’s progression has become an absolute digression and its[…]


ISSUE 25 is out now! First batch of ‘zines are on their way to subscribers!! Get it here: