
The Start

I was not raised in the Christian faith. My mother can take an online quiz and it tells her that she is “a believer.” And[…]

The Opening of the Senses

By Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov Printed in Issue 6* PEOPLE become capable of seeing spirits by a certain alteration of the senses, which is accomplished in[…]

Saint Febronia: Beauty Bathed in Blood

The following is a true account of a woman who gave her life for the sake of truth and for God. On the 25th of[…]


From Issue 4 part one: Monk Ephraim In the year of 1425 a monk was taken captive and tortured to death in his monastery in[…]

Through Closed Doors

From Issue 8   In may of 1980, the singer /poet Ian Curtis of Joy Division hung himself in his Manchester, England home the day[…]

St. Moses the Black of Scete

Commemorated August 28th. Saint Moses Murin the Black lived during the fourth century in Egypt. He was an Ethiopian, and he was black of skin[…]

What Saint John Taught Me…

By an Orthodox Subdeacon From Issue 16 This article was written by a subdeacon who had the blessing of serving with Saint John as a[…]

A Letter to Thomas Merton

By Fr. Seraphim Rose I am a young American convert to Russian Orthodoxy—not the vague “liberal” spirituality of too many modern Russian “religious thinkers,” but[…]

Holy New Martyrs of Optina

From Issue 19 In 1917, the Russian Revolution and the rise of communism resulted in the deaths of millions of believers and destroyed countless churches[…]


Introduction article to Issue 25 Jesus Christ. Swine. Madness. We have flipped entirely upside down. The world’s progression has become an absolute digression and its[…]

The Mystery of God’s Judgements

By Elder Paisios of Mount Athos (1994) Printed in Issue 19 Father Paisios told us the following story, wishing to give us an example of[…]