Posts from January 25, 2013

Murder // Redemption (Issue 3)

Originally Published in Death to the World Issue #3, 1994 1. The life and death of Abba Poemen, the solitary. One day, I went down[…]

Hardest of the Hardcore (Issue 3)

Originally published in Death to the World Issue #3, 1994.  There have been people throughout history and across the world who have sustained themselves by[…]

To Save the World (Issue 2)

Originally published in Issue 2. Written by John Marler, 1994 “Beauty will save the world” -Fyodor Dostoyevsky Progress with its machines has made the world regress to[…]

Accept All Cultures – Embrace None (Issue 2)

Originally published in Issue 2. Written by Monk Martyrius Hope, 1994. In the world today we are taught to love our neighbors. Through this “unconditional”[…]

The Burning Beast (Issue 1)

Originally published in Death to the World Issue #1, 1994. We recently received the following story about a living martyr named Monk Gabriel, who lives[…]