
Death to the World (Issue 1)

The last true rebellion is death to the world. To be crucified to the world and the world to us. With the seed of dissatisfaction[…]

Blessed Hieromonk Seraphim Rose

Father Seraphim was born into a typical white middle class Protestant family in San Diego in 1934. While growing up, he was the proverbial dutiful[…]

St. Juvenaly – First Martyr of America

The holy, glorious, right-victorious hieromartyr Juvenaly of Alaska, Protomartyr of America, was a member of the first group of Orthodox missionaries who came from the[…]

Murder // Redemption (Issue 3)

Originally Published in Death to the World Issue #3, 1994 1. The life and death of Abba Poemen, the solitary. One day, I went down[…]

Hardest of the Hardcore (Issue 3)

Originally published in Death to the World Issue #3, 1994.  There have been people throughout history and across the world who have sustained themselves by[…]

To Save the World (Issue 2)

Originally published in Issue 2. Written by John Marler, 1994 “Beauty will save the world” -Fyodor Dostoyevsky Progress with its machines has made the world regress to[…]

Accept All Cultures – Embrace None (Issue 2)

Originally published in Issue 2. Written by Monk Martyrius Hope, 1994. In the world today we are taught to love our neighbors. Through this “unconditional”[…]

The Burning Beast (Issue 1)

Originally published in Death to the World Issue #1, 1994. We recently received the following story about a living martyr named Monk Gabriel, who lives[…]

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